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IAWM At the IMA—Album Two

a group of people in a museum

Professor Morton talks with guests in the Dynasty and Divinity: Ife Art in Ancient Nigeria exhibit she curated at the Indianapolis Museum of Art.

a group of people talking

Wabash community members enjoyed great food and conversation in the IMA's Fountain Room.

a group of people looking at a statue

Greg Estell ’85, Steve Badger ’87, and Sara Emmick

a group of people looking at ancient statues

Rand Burnette takes in the exhibit.

a man wearing headphones and holding a phone

Professor Frank Howland listens to the audio tour, which features the voices of Wabash Professor Jim Cherry and Luke Robbins ’11.

a group of men at an event

Brad Johnson ’71 and Mark Lazar ’81

a man talking to a group of people

Josh Tatum talks with Professor of Economics Joyce Burnette and her husband, Patrick.

a group of people looking at a statue

Elizabeth Justice, Clay Robbins ’79, Professor Morton, and Amy Robbins

a boy wearing headphones and holding a phone

Wabash First Lady Chris White talks with younger guests in the exhibit.

a group of people talking

Professor Morton, Hugh VanDivier ’91, and Greg Estell ’85

a girl with pigtails sticking her tongue out

Adam and Afshan Paarlberg's daughter, Nura

a girl holding a handrail

Adam and Afshan Paarlberg's daughter, Nura

a man smiling at a baby

Tim Kraft and his daughter

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