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2011 Big Bash Chapel Sing - 3

a group of people standing around each other

What they lacked in numbers, the Class of 2001 made up for with enthusiasm, and encouraged audience participation -- That's Davey Neal, Jack Mansfield, and Andy Bridge, among others.

a group of men wearing red shirts and hats

This REALLY needs an explanation to those who don't know Wabash...

a group of men wearing matching outfits

Rockin' out to Chain of Fools

a group of men singing and holding signs

The Class of 1971 got a little help from Dean Moore

a group of people standing outside a building

The Class of 1991 was definitely the loudest group at Chapel Sing -- big Phi Delt contingent!

a group of women standing outside

Carol Runge and Cheryl Holland watch their husbands (Tom and Trey) and the rest of the Class of 1971.

two men in red shirts

Bumper Hostetler felt the need to provide a little Sphinx Club hazing to TR Berta.

a group of men wearing matching red shirts

The Class of 1981 didn't even need to sing -- their shirts said it all. Perhaps a surprise upset in Chapel Sing -- just because of the shirts?

a group of men standing together

Three generations of Pippens

a woman pointing at a girl

Davey Neal's daughter Callie encourages Kim Johnson to "take a picture of MY Daddy!"

a group of men wearing lanyards

Tom Runge gets harassed by a couple of students during Alumni Chapel Sing.

a man holding a microphone

Tim Oakes sang a solo — the rare "third verse" of Old Wabash, which is a Fiji classic.

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