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2011 Big Bash Chapel Sing 2

a group of men wearing matching red shirts

The Class of 1961 gets Chapel Sing underway!

a man holding a microphone

Ringmaster, Master of Ceremonies, and a bit of Mitch Miller - Director of Alumni Affairs Tom Runge during Chapel Sing.

a man wearing red shirts and a hat with a red hat on his head

Bill Berry '66 dances his way out of the Chapel to a little "Chain of Fools."

a group of women sitting on a bench

It's pretty clear the wives are in charge of recording events for future re-telling!

a man with glasses and a man with his mouth open

Runge gets 'the treatment" from a couple of current members of the Sphinx Club.

a man and woman sitting together

Ned Luce '66 and his wife, from Seattle, talk about the antics of the reunion classes.

a group of men in red shirts

There were several 'vintage' Sphinx Club' beanies around.

a group of men wearing red shirts

The Class of 1981 might have got the biggest cheer of the day for the fine attire! Here is the front side ... and ....

a group of men wearing red shirts

 ... here is the back side of those tshirts!

a man holding a camera to his face

Director of Wabash College Public Affairs Jim Amidon '87 recording Chapel Sing for history.

a group of men wearing lanyards

Class of 1986 may have been small but the members still belted out 'Old Wabash."

a man in a red shirt and sunglasses with his hands up

Davey Neal '01 made up for his classmates in number by getting the audience to clap along to "Old Wabash."

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