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Storm Damage, 4-20-2011

a house with a tree in the back

Wabash Avenue seemed to take the brunt of the storm. Several trees were down between Kane House, Detchon, and Forrest Hall.

a white house with a swing

Hays House had some roof damage from a branch blown across the street.

a tree that has fallen

The College lost a handful of our many grand old trees.

a tree fallen over by a house

This huge fir next to Forrest Hall was uprooted.

a large tree fallen over a house

A tree next to Kane House was snapped off at ground level.

a large tree fallen over a building

Trees and branches littered the yard between Detchon Hall and Wabash Avenue.

a tree fallen over a tree

A pretty crab apple tree in front of Sparks was uprooted.

a tree fallen over a stadium

One of the large fir trees lining the fence on the visitors side of the football field fell.

a tree that has fallen

The area around Martindale was hard hit losing approximately 10 trees in the vicinity.

a fallen tree in front of a building

Campus services managed to clear the walks despite the heavy debris.

a couple of people standing on a sidewalk

Students emerge from Martindale to take a few photos with their phones before heading off for class. These three young men said everyone headed to the basement when the Tornado Warning was announced..

a tree fallen off the ground

Martindale seemed to avoid substantial damage though guttering was found on the ground nearby.

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