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Pass Christian

a group of young boys standing on a bench

The students working at Pass Christian, Miss., did a lot of set up work on the first day for contractors coming into town to re-build.

a house that has been demolished

The hurricane took the first floor out from under this home.

a road with trees on the side

A large portion of this ocean-front highway was washed away by the storm surge.

a group of men working on a building

One day the students walked into a neighborhood to find residents needing assistance. They helped this man (far left) who told them he had moved back from Chicago just weeks before the Aug. 29 hurricane.

a flag on a bench

This small home was ravaged by the storm.

a man carrying a ladder

Drew Hock '08 carries debris from a Pass Christian home.

a man holding a chair

Part of the group's responsitility was to help set up a school so area children could return to class. Shaun Rico '08 unloads school desks.

a red and yellow toy on a rocky ground

Students saw the every day reminders that real lives were profoundly affected by the storm every where they looked.

a car and a house that has been demolished

A house shoved on top of an automobile wasn't that unusual a sight.

a man holding a stack of boxes

Joe Koerner '06 assists with supplies being used to set up a new school.

a car crashed into a house

Another example of the storm's fury.

a tree on the side of a road

Debris and fallen trees littered the ocean front area.

a group of people carrying a large log

The guys were in a serious situation, but still managed to smile while they worked.

a group of people setting up a tent

Setting up their sleeping tents was one of the first orders of business.

a pile of trash next to a house

This sign shows residents managed some humor in a very difficult situation.

a couple of men working on a construction site

Brent Kent '09 and Trayton White '08 pick up chunks of debris around a resident's home.

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