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Wooster Game and Tailgate

a group of women wearing sombreros

The mexican meal organizers really got into the tailgate experience - Heather Fields, Carol Runge, and Laura Roop.

several people standing around a parking lot

The Wabash RV nation was out in force at Wooster.

a group of people standing outside

Dean Tom Bambrey '68 (left) talks to Dan and Karen Woolf who made the trip to the Wooster game from Scottsdale, AZ! 

a group of people standing outside

Trading stories before the game were Laura Roop, mother of Brandon (#10), and Duane '67 and Mary Ann Hile from the Akron area. Duane is the president of the Northern Ohio alumni association.

a group of people playing bagpipes

Wooster has some great traditions and their pipers top that list.  I caught them practicing before the game.

a group of people in a row on bleachers

Several Wabash students made the trip to Wooster and led the crowd cheering and in pushups!

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