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Air Force Museum

a man in a plane

No, Tom Runge did not fly these aircraft when he served in the Air Force!

a sign with a drawing on it

The Museum includes a great tribute to Bob Hope. Of course, our Glee Club wasn't born when Bob Hope entertained...never mind.

a group of men talking

Dayton-area alumnus and former Glee Club member Bob Wild '59 welcomed the Glee Club to the Dayton area.

a group of men standing in front of a sign

Richard Bowen gives the Glee Club some last minute instrcutions before they descend on the Air Museum.

a group of people posing for a photo

Th Glee Club gathers in front of the statue of Icarus in the lobby of the Air Force Museum

a group of people posing for a photo

Members of the Glee Club gather in front of the F-111F on display in the Museum

a group of men standing in front of a missile

Bob Wild '59, Karl Cooke '86, Tom Runge, and Richard Bowen, Glee Club director

a close-up of a plane

B-47s like this one were flown round the clock during the Cold War. Wabash alumnus Tom Mason '47 flew many an hour holding halfway to Russia waiting for the call that never came...thankfully!

a military aircraft on display

Even some former "bad guy" aircraft are on display - this is a MIG from the Vietnam era.

men looking at a sign

Two Glee Club members looking at one of the many displays in the Museum

a person playing piano and a group of people

The back of the Glee Club!

a yellow and black round object

A replica of the "Fat Man" bomb dropped on Nagasaki.

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