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Honor Scholarship Weekend, Album 1

a group of people standing in a line

One of the first thing freshmen must learn at College is patience! Photos by Howard W. Hewitt

a woman holding a brown envelope

Admissions' Linda Weaver helps a freshman with his registration packet

a woman in a black jacket and white shirt standing in a red crate

Admissions' Jamie Watson registers this young man.

a group of young men standing in a room

There was plenty of activity around the coaches and sports' team tables.

a group of people talking

Alex Avtgis '11 talks with a family about fraternity life.

a group of young men talking

Jake Ponton, at right, asks questions about fraternity living.

a man and woman sitting on a couch reading a newspaper

Logan Petry, Southmont High School, has a little breakfast while Mom reads the Bachelor.

a group of people working on a project

Bachelor Editor Gary James '10, standing, watches as an interested prospect expresses his interest in the student newspaper.

a man in a blue shirt

Louis Szilagyi, Northwood, OH., talks with Track & Field Coach Clyde Morgan.

a man talking to a woman

Don't let any college guy fool you - there is nothing better than a visit from Mom. Ryan Lutz '13 chats with his mom who flew in from California to participate on one of the parents' panel discussion.

a group of people walking on a brick sidewalk

There were tours offered throughout the morning of campus and living units.

a man holding a trumpet

Sound the trumpet! It's Honor Scholar Weekend! Zack Thompson '13 let it blare!

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