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Black History 101: The Young Black Male

a man in a suit and hat smiling

They billed the evening as an “informative and entertaining lesson on The Young Black Male,” but the men of the Malcolm X Institute for Black Studies could have called it “Event Organizing 101.” Rarely has a program drawn so well on the gifts of its members to inform and inspire—through poetry, gospel music, humor, and informative, challenging, inspiring, and honest talks—as this session devised by Tyler Griffin ’13 and emceed by “Professor” Rashaan Stephens ’13 (in photo). Photos by Steve Charles

a man speaking into a microphone

Brandon McKinney ’10: “Pay homage to those who walk this broken path before me/their struggle was not in vain, and their accomplishments are many… Black history is our history/it is America’s history, and we must fight to preserve it…As we embark on our daily journeys/we are blessed with the strength of ancestors.”)

a man in a white shirt

 Assistant Director of Admissions Kim King ’99: "Culture means embracing your status as thinkers, as part of an elite class of people who have the opportunity in College. Liberty dares the black student to dream, to dream in full belief in his human potential and creativity."

a man wearing glasses and a vest

 “Dr.” Reginald Steele ’12 led the audience in singing the gospel tune “This Little Light of Mine.” 

a man standing at a podium holding a piece of paper

 In his poem, Greg Huey ’12 asks God, "What Did You Make Me Black," in "the image of darkness?" God's answer: “I didn’t make you in the image of darkness/I made you in the likeness of me."

a man in glasses holding a white object

 Coach Clyde Morgan: “You see our track guys walking around wearing that [motto] MOW—NBU (Men of Wabash—Nothing Breaks Us)? I believe that in my heart. Nothing breaks us. I’ve been through it. You’re going through it. But you don’t let it break you. “Keep working. Get that degree. It’s worth it. My million dollars, my NFL contract—that’s working with people like you.”

a man holding a remote

 “Athletics saved my life,” Head Track Coach Clyde Morgan told the students. “You hear these stories all the time from the guys who make it to the pros. But you never hear about the people like me—who have their degree, who are working and enjoying life. That’s my million dollars. When I go back to my neighborhood, I feel like Lebron and Kobe, ‘cause what I’ve got is unreachable, still unreachable, in my neighborhood."

a man in a suit looking up

 MXIBS Director and Assistant Professor of English Tim Lake

a group of men sitting and clapping

 Charles Goodman ’10, Brandon McKinney ’10, and Professor Tim Lake sing "This Little Light of Mine" with "Dr." Reginald Steele ’12.

a woman holding her fingers up to her face

Assistant Professor of History Tracey Salisbury applauds the men of the MXIBS. 

a woman standing at a podium

Tracey Salisbury:  “I don’t need to say positive things about the young black men here, because you show me everyday. I need to see you reach and stretch for the stars that are out there in front of you. Make your place. Let’s decide that tomorrow is a new day, no matter what happened yesterday. We have a future, and it is bright.”

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