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Inauguration Chapel

a group of men standing in front of a podium

President White, center, introduces his friend Paul Harder to Sphinx Club President Robert Van Kirk.

a man in a suit talking to another man

White shows Harder around the Chapel stage.

a man in a suit holding a yellow pad

White, with the ever-present yellow pad in hand, gets ready to settle in for Harder's Chapel Talk.

a group of people looking at a woman

White, his wife Chris and her mother, await the Chapel talk.

a man in a suit and tie speaking into a microphone

Paul Harder, a college buddy and old friend, talks about the college days the two shared with best friends.

a group of people laughing

Harder's remarks included many funny stories about White's college days. Pat and Chris get a big laugh out of this one.

a group of people clapping

White applauds one line during the speech, also appreciated by his secretary in front - Carolyn Goff.

a man in a suit speaking into a microphone

Harder also reflected on White's serious approach to academics and his love of movies.

a man in a suit clapping

At the end of his remarks, Harder offers the new president a round of applause.

a man in a suit and tie

Harder's final remarks and applause draws an emotional response from the President.

a man in a suit and tie laughing

The two old friends share a moment on stage as students leave the Chapel.

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