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New International Student Picnic

a man holding a spatula in front of a house

Hosts David and Bobbie Clapp prepare for the arrival of the freshmen international students and their host families.

a group of people standing around a barbecue

Rex Henthorn and Brad Weaver watch the grill as the crowd gathers.

a group of young men playing a game

Tuan Nguyen, Jebin Gautam, and Ian Low try their hand at Cornhole.

a man and kids playing in a yard

Tommy scores in Ladder Golf.

a man and a girl playing with a frisbee

Ian Low and Sarah strategize about their next move.

a group of people standing outside a house

Bo Wang, Xumin Sun, and Kuangji Li watch the action on the basketball court.

a group of people playing in a yard

Thanh Ngo, Tommy, and Hung Duong play wiffle ball.

a group of men sitting on a couch

Jonathan Wong, Jebin Gautam, and Hoan Nguyen take a break from the outdoor games to watch Hoosiers, an annual tradition at the Clapp picnic.

a man and a girl standing in front of a garage door

Hung Duong needs to do a better job of blocking out for the rebound.

a man throwing a ball

Ziyun Chen goes in for the score.

a group of people laughing

Ian Low shares a laugh with his friends.

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