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Fly Fishing Tutorial - Tuesday

a group of people standing in a field

Professor Emeritus Aus Brooks looking at aquatic life from the Yellowstone River. Brooks is a world renowned expert in the elusive aquats, found mainly in the Yellowstone area.

a group of people standing in a stream

Students look for insect life under rocks in the Yellowstone River. These are the some of insects, at different stages of their life cycles, that fly fishers seek to match with artificial "flies"

a group of people posing for a photo

The class at Yellowstone Canyon with the lower falls in the background. Professor Hadley is at center and back right is alum Jeff Perkins '89.

a group of people standing in a line

Professor Krohne explaining the reforestation after the 1988 Yellowstone fires. This is one of the areas he has been studying since the fires.

a person wearing a red hat with a cartoon character on it

Jason Farbstein, on his birthday, looking at thermal feature, Roaring Mountain

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