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2009 Big Bash Class of 59 Dinner—Album One

a man in a pink shirt

Following dinner, the Class of 59 Glee Club members reprised their Friday performance for their classmates, including Art Fontanes' hilarious solo in "If You Marry an Ugly Woman."

a man and woman clapping hands

 Bob Wedgeworth ’59 and his wife, C.K., enjoy Fontanes' performance.

a man with his hands up

 Hoyt Miller's  beautiful tenor voice soars on "Wayfaring Stranger."

a man reading a red file

 Trustee and Class of 59 Glee Club member Roger Billings.

a man with a white beard

 Retired Bishop Rt. Rev. Gary Gloster offered the opening prayer—and a pretty good joke—at the Class of 59 dinner.

a woman laughing and clapping her hands

 Wabash First Lady Chris White was one of many in the audience stirred by the Glee Club's performance of "Wayfaring Stranger."

a group of people clapping

 The Class of 59 Glee Club (and Hoyt Miller's solo) received a standing ovation just two numbers into the concert!

a dog with a white blanket

 Joe Shewmon's bulldog, Oscar, listened to the festivities from the Littel Lobby. Only 9 years old, he couldn't get a beer, and he'd been hoping for a better seat, but, believe it or not, he was smiling for this photo.

a group of men in white shirts

 Bob Nelson ’69 directs his classmates: still singing together, and beautifully, after all these years.

a man smiling at another man

 Bob Wild ’59

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