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Photo Albums

Commencement: Hugs and Congratulations

a man in a graduation gown and cap standing next to a woman

Joe Merkley grabs Mom for a hug and a photo moments after the ceremony was over.

a group of people posing for a photo

Bobby Kimp's family appears to be proud as can be of their son.

a man in a graduation cap and gown

Elliott Holden gets a hug of congratulations from his father.

a man in a cap and gown with a woman in a graduation gown

Brent Graham locks his grandparents into a photogenic bear hug.

a man and woman posing for a picture

Derek Lough gives Mom a kiss!

a group of people standing together

Brent Banach shares a proud moment with his family, including brother Bart '08 (far right).

a man in black gown and cap standing next to another man in black gown and cap

Football teammates Scott Liska and Tony Neymeiyer are a couple of happy graduates.

a man in a graduation cap and gown standing next to a woman

Ronald King doesn't miss the camera's eye.

a group of people standing next to each other

Abelardo Llamas is all smiles with Mom and Dad.

a group of men standing together

Tom Norman with his two younger brothers.

a man in a graduation gown and cap putting on a diploma

Michal Opieczonek gets a little help at picture time from a Polish friend.

a man in a robe and tie smiling

Charles Johnson at the post-graduation reception with his father.

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