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Phi Gams Work with Kids at the Boys and Girls Club

a man holding a boy in the air

Members of Psi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta spent a sunny Thursday afternoon working — and playing — with young people at the Boys and Girls Club of Montgomery County. Chris McDougal ’12 provides a young man with a lift in order to dunk the ball.

a man holding a ball with a boy in a gym

The Fijis organized simultaneous games of basketball and football — on the same floor. Andrew Goodman ’12 gets the kids going.

a man holding a boy up to a basketball

Every little kid's dream — dunking — made easier with the strong arms of some Wabash Fijis, including Chris McDougal ’12.

a group of people in a gym

It wsan't clear who was having more fun Thursday afternoon — the kids at the Boys and Girls Club or the Wabash Fijis, Andrew Goodman ’12 and Chris McDougal ’12.

a man holding a football with a group of kids

Kevin Andrews, president of Psi Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, is surrounded by kids interested in playing a game of football... on a basketball court.

a man and boy playing football

Kevin Andrews quickly realizes the kids will take any sport seriously!

a man and boy playing with a ball

A Boys and Girls Club participant gets some pointers from a much taller "kid" from the Fiji house, Andrew Goodman ’12.

a group of kids playing in a gym

This is actually from the game of basketball being played — NOT the football game that was at the other end of the court!

a man holding a football

Kevin Andrews says the Phi Gams have a long history of helping out at the Boys and Girls Club of Montgomery County. Fijis help out as coaches and sometimes just hang out with the kids — like they did Thursday.

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