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2008 Charlie Finch Memorial Alumni Run

a group of men running

Bill Digman races to the finish line at the Charlie Finch Memorial Alumni Race.

a man running on a track

German Professor Brian Tucker gets in his miles for the alumni.

a man running on a track

Hugh Jackson held back during the first three miles, but made up some serious ground in the final circuit.

a man running on a track

Justin Allen pulls up as he crosses the finish line.

a man running on a track

Alumnus Jeff Lampert rarely, if ever, misses a Charlie Finch Memorial race. And he always has a contingent cheering him on!

a man running on a track

Jimmy Kerr, just like Jeff Lampert, never misses an alumni race at Wabash, and he, too, makes it a family affair. Both men have been great volunteers for the program, often returning to campus to make presentations to current students or to help with recruiting.

a group of men running on a track

Josh Minkler ’85 has become a mainstay at the annual alumni run, and this year brought with him his son, Thomas, who is five... and hopefully a future Little Giant.

a man running on a track

A true warrior in life, Martin Kirkwood powers his way to the finish line. Kirkwood, who is a high school counselor and administrator, routinely brings recruits to the Wabash campus whether they are potential runners or not. He's a terrific alumnus in every sense of the word!

a man running on a track

Sam Compton-Craig crosses the start-finish line after two miles with alumnus Mike Vega close behind.

a man running on a track

Alumnus Mike Vega was best known for his unbelievable finishes, often completing distance races as though he was a 200-meter sprinter. He brought back lots of fond memories to the old faithful fans with his sprint-kick to the finish.

a man wearing a red shirt

New Track and Field Coach Clyde Morgan got an introduction to Wabash cross country and track and field alumni. Morgan was named to replace Rob Johnson last spring.

a man in a red shirt

Long-time, senior member of the Admissions Office — and an honorary Wabash alumnus — Mike Reidy proclaimed himself the winner of the "heavyweight division."

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