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Class of ’62 Saluted at Big Bash

The Class of 1962 took center stage at Friday’s Big Bash Banquet at Wabash College. Not only was each man introduced and presented with his 50th reunion medallion, the class stood proudly when it presented College President Patrick White with a check for $2.7 million.

The oversize check presentation culminated a five-year 50th reunion gift campaign, which was chaired by David Downen.

The large turnout by the Class of 1962 was owed to the dedicated efforts of Class Agents Thom Feit and Terry Fewell. Approximately 50 members of the class returned to celebrate 50 years since their graduation.

Friday’s Big Bash Banquet featured alumni from as far back as the Class of 1943 (Paul Honan), a large contingent from the 60th reunion Class of 1952 (12 alums), and the 50th reunion class, all the way up to a record-setting number of men from the Class of 2007 back to celebrate their five-year reunion.

President White accepted the stunning $2.7 million gift from the Class of 1962, saying, “This shows us that you can rise to any challenge.”

The goal for the 50th reunion gift was $1 million. “When you go this far over goal, it’s worth another round of applause,” the President urged, saying, “thank you, thank you, thank you.”

The President welcomed all alumni back to campus — those from near and far.

“I welcome you not to a new Wabash, but to your Wabash… the best of Wabash endures in each and every one of you… And in coming to know one another anew, you will find Wabash anew, and find Wabash worthy of your support and loyalty.

“Wabash is still transforming the lives of young men, just as it transformed your lives.”

Saturday activities at Big Bash include always-popular Alumni Chapel Sing competition, during which each class sings Old Wabash on the steps of the Pioneer Chapel. The event concludes when all reunion alumni gather on the steps and sing the College fight song together.

Scarlet Yarns, Wabash’s video history project, also continues throughout the day on Saturday, as do alumni-led colloquia sessions.

Class photographs will be taken at 1:30 p.m., and there are receptions throughout the afternoon sponsored by ‘shOUT and the departments of psychology and physics.

On Saturday evening, each class will gather on its own for a reception and banquet.

The weekend concludes with Sunday’s Awards Brunch.

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