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Reflections can provide us with multiple perspectives and the ability to learn from our past as well as question the future.  Reflections play a vital part in my photographs as I am an introvert and enjoy pondering and “reflecting” on events or actions from the past.  As a senior art major, my drive for compelling photographs was inspired significantly from nature.  In my most recent work, however, I have been using manmade objects to generate reflections in both natural and artificial environments.

While I enjoy naturally occurring reflections, I have also become fascinated with creating reflective abstractions in and through my work.  My interest in the unknown continues to propel me into a world of spatial ambiguity and abstraction.  In the majority of my works, my ambition is to create a world for the viewer that is uncertain, so as to pull them in and question the unfamiliar.


“Follow effective action with quiet reflection.  From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action.” - Peter F. Drucker

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