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Glossary of H1N1 Flu Terms

Understanding H1N1
Glossary of Terms
CDC (Centers for Disease Control): the federal agency tasked with monitoring and providing recommendations termed “guidance” regarding infectious diseases including H1N1.
Closed pod: a method of providing medications or vaccinations to people in particular small groups.
H1N1 Vaccine: vaccine that will be used to induce immunity to Novel H1N1 influenza. This vaccine is being produced using the same methodology as seasonal influenza vaccine.
Influenza: a respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus.
Influenza-like illness (ILI): a respiratory illness that presents with symptoms typical of influenza (fever over 100ºF (37.8ºC) plus cough and/or sore throat. Headache and muscle aches are also common).
ISDH (Indiana State Health Department): the Indiana state agency tasked with monitoring and providing health recommendations to the citizens of the state of Indiana.
MCHD (Montgomery County Health Department): the county agency tasked with monitoring and providing health local recommendations to the citizens of Montgomery County.
Novel H1N1 Influenza virus: a new influenza virus that appeared in the spring of 2009. This virus contains genetic material that has not appeared in previously-described influenza A viruses.
Open pod: a method of providing medications or vaccinations on a mass scale without regard to particular risk.
Pandemic: influenza infection that has spread world wide.
Respiratory etiquette: properly covering one’s mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, then throwing the tissue away.
Seasonal Influenza: influenza illness that recurs annually in the U.S. during the winter and spring months.
Seasonal Influenza Vaccine: vaccine that is given each fall to provide immunity to three viruses that are predicted to likely cause seasonal influenza during the upcoming season.

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