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Wabash Day 2008 - Mississippi

Our small. but hearty crew in Mississippi enjoyed a great Saturday morning at the Laurel Animal Rescue League. This facility is private, and has been in continuous operation since January, 1988.  At present, the Rescue League is home to 103 dogs and cats. 

The facility also is equipped with a small veterinary clinic that is manned by volunteer veterinarians that both treats the animals and also neuters the animals upon adoption. It has a full-time staff of three, and numerous volunteers who assist at various times during the week and on Saturdays and Sundays.

Four of us got together: myself, ’66, my lovely Betty, Trey Chinn ’05, and Roger Powell, a candidate for the Class of ’13. We spent the morning putting the outside grounds in shape:  primarily cleaning the walk paths around the outside pens to allow the staff to walk the areas to inspect for any holes or breaks in the fencing.

We also trimmed and shaped all shrubbery, and "up-trimmed the various trees on the property.  Also, after we had finished and packed up, two pickups loaded with gifts of dog and cat food and other supplies arrived, and we assisted the staff in loading same into storage.  It was a full, fun morning.  As all had afternoon commitments, we did not have the usual gathering at the Cline home, but we will correct this for the Bell Game telecast.