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IAWM Hosts 2008 Mitchum Crock

The outing was smaller than in recent years but the competition was as keen as ever. The IAWM-sponsored 2008 Mitchum Crock moved this year to Heartland Crossing in Camby, Indiana.

When the heat and humidity cleared, it was the team of Chip Timmons '96, Dave Orr '92, and Tim Rickard '08 who won the outing.

After golf and a BBQ dinner, IAWM president Daryl Johnson '82 welcomed the group and introduced head football coach Erik Raeburn and President Pat White to the group.  Coach Raeburn talked enthusiastically about the coming year and President White echoed those remarks.  

Dave Reed '89 and Hugh Vandivier '91, both members of the IAWM board, conducted the always popular raffle.

The proceeds fund the IAWM's operations for the coming year.  Many thanks to Lee Clark '73 and his committee for another fine event.

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