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Perfect Weekend for Wabash Football

October 15, 2005.  It was truly a perfect weekend for Wabash football.  The weather in Wooster was fantastic with a slight fall chill in the near cloudless sky and the trees turning all sorts of bright colors.  The food at every local establishment we visited was superb, and the Little Giants played a great game!  Despite a sizeable Homecoming crowd cheering for the Scots, the Wabash more than help their own in cheering the Little Giants on to a 44-10 victory.

The Wabash fans put together another fun tailgate with a Mexican food theme.  (Check out the pictures in the photo album.)  The alumni, parents, and friends who travel have become very close friends and that’s made these tailgates a lot of fun.  We had an entire parking lot to ourselves, thanks to the help of Sandy Nichols and the staff of the Alumni Office at Wooster.  Despite their Homecoming schedule, Sandy made sure we were taken care of in style.  Many thanks to our Wooster counterparts!

The last organized, away-game tailgate will be at Allegheny College on October 29, 2005.  Please check the web site elsewhere for details.

For photos, click here.