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Dallas-Fort Worth - 2013


A damp and chilly day in Dallas-Fort Worth did not deter a small but determined band of alums (and one Wallyanna) from tackling a traditional target of ours:  Cheryl's Garden of Learning.  It is located at John R. Good Elementary School in Irving.  The garden serves as an outdoor classroom where students learn about local flora and fauna.  Armed with shovels, hedge trimmers, rakes, etc., we cleaned out beds, trimmed back lantana and other plants, removed decorative rock from one bed, and various assorted tasks.  Our labors netted us 10 42-gallon trash bags full of clippings.


Alums who participated were Jay Patterson '65, Mike Gregory '70, Jim Thomas '73, and Bobby Ritz '10.  Wallyanna Jensy Gregory was our host since it is her school that is our beneficiary.