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Music - Wamidan World Music Ensemble

Wamidan World Music Ensemble
James Makubuya, Artistic Director

Wamidan is the Wabash College World Music Performance ensemble and focuses on the music and dance from various global folk music traditions. The group offers hands-on practice and performance experience in song, dance and a wide variety of musical instruments from different musical traditions of world cultures. The Initial instrumental playing focus is on the East African musical instruments including adungu (9-string bow harp), akogo (thumb piano), awal (gourd crackers), enkwanzi (panpipes), madinda (12 slab log xylophone), ndingidi (single string tube fiddle), ndongo (8-string bowl lyre), ngoma (various drums), endere (vertical reed flute), and ensaasi (gourd rattles). Whereas active members are required to specialize and perform in depth on one instrument of their choice, they are also expected to acquire reasonable performance familiarity and efficiency in two other instruments as well as singing and dancing.


"The Wamidan performance ensemble is for those who want to explore the artistic and scientific myths and mysteries of folk music and dances from world cultures."

-James Makubuya, Founder

Adungu Ensemble Players

Adungu Ensemble

Wamidan ensemble practices take place on Wednesday 5-6:30 p.m. and Friday 5-6:30 p.m.


Wamidan Director playing the Oryemo (Bow harp)

Tube Fiddle and Bowl Lyre Ensemble Players

Fiddle and Lyre Ensemble

Madinda Ensemble Players

Bowl Lyre, Xylophone and Ndingidi Players

Dance Drumming Accompanists

Dizi (Chinese Transversem Flute) Player

Irish Fiddle and Bodhran Drum Players

Irish Fiddle Player

Min Adungu (Bass Bow Harp) Player

Oryemo Adungu (Medium Bow Harp) Players

Tube Fiddle and Thumb Piano Players

Sabina with Audience Tongue Twister Participant

Aije (Ugandan Harvest Dance) Dancers


Asian Indian Dancers

Asian Indian Dancing Expression

South African Gumboot Dancers

Ugandan Olukhun Dancers and Drummers

Olukhun Japadhola Male Dancer