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Student-Faculty Interaction

             * Each benchmark is an index of responses to several NSSE questions. Because NSSE questions have different response
              sets, each question’s response set was rescaled from zero to 100, and students’ rescaled responses were then averaged.
              Thus a benchmark score of zero would mean that every student chose the lowest response option for every item, and 100
              would mean every student chose the highest response to every item. Although benchmarks are reported on a 0-100 scale,
              they are not percentages.


Many colleges tell applicants how members of the faculty are always available and ready to help their students. At Wabash it goes beyond that. Wabash faculty are a part of students' lives — and not just for four years. Wabash faculty attend students' concerts and plays, sporting events, numerous campus dinners, and invite students into their homes. What should you ask to learn about faculty involvement and how did Wabash men answer these questions?

 - Are faculty members accessible and supportive?
   * 96 percent of first year students say faculty are available,
     helpful, and sympathetic.

 - How often do students talk with faculty/advisors about their career plans?
   * 98 percent of seniors at least occasionally discuss career plans
     with faculty.

 - Do students and faculty members work together on committees and projects outside coursework?
   * 79 percent of first year students spend time with faculty
     members on outside activities.